
Wildflower is divided into two panels:

A Sighting Map that shows the exact location of each of your plant/flower sightings

A Sighting Table that lists each plant/flower sighting in alphabetical or chronological sighting order

The size of each panel can be adjusted by dragging the dividing bar between the panels up and down.

The Menu Bar at the bottom of the App is used to Add New Sightings; Create Reports and Graphics that can be shared with other Naturalists via Printing, E-Mail, Messaging, and Social Media; and a Criteria function that allows you to review your sighting by Date, Nation, State/Province or City/Town.

Add New Sighting

Tap the Add New Sighting and you will see the New Sighting Popup.  You find your flower by typing into the Search Bar (and selecting the Flower from the Table) or use the Family Spinners or Color Spinners.   

Once a specific Flower is selected . . the App will calculate the Latitude/Logitude of the sighting; the address, city and state; and the current date and time.  In addition you’ll see a photo of the Plant; Common Name and Scientific Name; and links to an appropriate Wikipedia Article.

If you are using an iPad without an enabled data plan (or have a poor GPS or Phone Signal) you can update the location  when you return to a WIFI connection by tapping the location link.


On the location screen . . . you can search for a particularly address and/or drag the map around until the cross hairs are on the location of your sighting.  When you’ve go the location . . . tap the Derive Address Button to get the actual Address, City and State.


Similarly there are Popups that allow the user to change the Date/Time of the Sighting; specify the number of birds sighted; and add free form comments.

Your Photos

You can attach your photos from the sighting to the individual flower by tapping the Your Photos link.


Working with the Sighting Table

Once your sightings have been recorded . . . you can manage your sighting in the Sightings Table:

  • Delete a sighting by swiping left and tapping the delete button
  • Sorting by toggling the Flower/Date Buttons
  • Tapping the Criteria Button and Limiting your sightings by Date, Nation, State/Province and showing only unique Flower sightings.
  • Tapping a row in the Sighting Table allows you to view and/or change the sighting details.

Working with the Sighting Map

Once your sightings have been recorded . . . you can manage your sighting in the Sightings Map:

  • Using Conventional Pinch/Swipe Getstures to adjust the Map.
  • Each sighting is represented by a small icon on the sighted bird.
  • Tapping a Flower Icon shows a popup balloon with the name of the Bird and the Date is was seen.  Tap the ballon’s information Button allows you to view and/or change the sighting details.
  • Change the Map Type (2D/3D/Satelite/Hybrid)
  • Tap the Show location Button to zoom to your current location

Action Menu

Share your sightings with other Naturalists via the Action Menu.  Your Sighting Map; your Sighting Table; and individual sightings can be Messaged; E-Mailed and sent to social media sights like Facebook.